Create Opportunities to Succeed
Success is possible with a clear direction or destination in mind, the development of discipline, being persistent about persistence and unapologetically getting the support you need.
Coming soon!
Building a startup that scales is a strategic creative endeavor that requires thoughtful consideration and lots of smart thinking. Understanding how you think - literally the cognitive process you employ - is critical to building proficiency and driving effeciency into your planning process.
Our system intentionally deployes a variety of tools and techniques to leverage the benefits of different patterns in thinking. Recognizing your own patterns and preferences in thinking, and being equipped to expand your thought process in a structured way, can fuel greater success and avoid missteps.
With this in mind we've created a thought-provoking Cognition Tool to acclimate you to styles of thinking we use and that you can apply to what you do.
Cognition Tool
Become a more efficient, proficient and productive thinker.
Parallel Thinking
Parallel thinking is a practical method of constructive thinking where the goal is for everyone to think at the same time in the same direction. When there are multiple categories or dimensions to a topic, parallel thinking breaks these down into smaller nodes to attack with hyper-focus before moving on to the next. This ensures you are able to explore topics deeply without split focus that can amplify the potential for disagreement.
Moving beyond traditional definitions, we also define parallel thinking as replicating a thought process when trying to be generative within the context of a similar creative endeavor. If you are able to anchor in a definition and an illustrative example you can then apply this learning to reproduce similar results for similar topics. By lining up educational elements and application elements next to one another in a parallel fashion you can accelerate progress.
We’ve built both definitions of parallel thinking into our planning software.